For the meatballs
2 cups Fine Bulgur (meatballs)
1 cup Semolina
1 tspn Cumin
1 tspn Salt
3 tbspn Sweet Pepper Paste
2 tbsp Flour (heaping)
For Boiling Water:
2 liters of water
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 tspn Salt
For the Sauce:
1/4 cup Oil
1 tbspn Pepper Paste
1/2 cup Boiling Water of Meatballs
8 cloves of Garlic (You can reduce the amount of garlic according to your preferences)
2 cups Grated Tomato
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 bunch of Parsley
Mix Bulgur, Semolina, Cumin and Salt in a lidded mixing bowl or a pot. Add enough boiling water to cover it and close the lid to let it brew. During the brewing period, the bulgur absorbs its water and swells as it steeps. To prepare the meatballs, first add tomato paste, then flour and knead. Wet your hands with water from time to time to prevent them from sticking to your hands. Make long thin rolls from the mixture and cut them into cherry-sized pieces, or use an ice cream scoop of appropriate size and portion them as I always do. Roll each one into a shape, gently press the middle with your little finger, and place on a floured serving plate.
In a separate pot, mix 2 liters of Water, juice of half a Lemon and 2 teaspoons of Salt and bring to boiling point. When the water boils, start boiling the meatballs you prepared. The meatballs will first sink to the bottom and rise to the surface of the water when cooked. When it rises to the surface of the water, pick it up with a perforated felt and place it on your serving plate. Follow this process and do not scald too much. Overcooked meatballs will fall apart.
And for the sauce that adds flavor to the final stage, put the oil, pepper paste and garlic grate in a large pan or pot large enough to hold the meatballs you prepared and fry them by stirring. Add the boiling water you reserved. Add Tomato Puree and lemon juice and cook. When the sauce is cooked and reaches the boiling point, add the meatballs, mix the meatballs without damaging them and ensure that they are covered with the sauce, turn off the stove and put them on a serving plate. Decorate with finely chopped parsley and serve.
Note: This size is ideal for an invitation at home if you are preparing it for a family of 4-5 people; You can freeze half of the meatballs without boiling them. Two weeks later when you take out fellah balls out of the freezer ther will be a sweet smile on your face, you will boil them effortlessly and mix with the sauce. And enjoy!